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  • Sobre nós | Kbs - Mozambique

    About KBS - MOZAMBIQUE Turning interest into action Here at KBS - MOZAMBIQUE, we see value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change. Since our founding in 2022, we have been driven by the same ideals. The Children's Charity focuses on support, empowerment and progress. Addressing today's challenges requires problem solvers who bring different perspectives and a willingness to take risks. KBS - MOZAMBIQUE emerged with the mission of inspiring and supporting the community, as well as a desire to promote actions that speak louder than words. Kids The Bright Stars aims to defend children's rights and help children develop their full potential. Working to meet the needs of needy children, abandoned children, orphans in Mozambique. With the purpose of helping the children around us so that they know their rights and also that they know the reality that we cannot turn our backs on. Encourage that fathers, mothers, educators and any other adults around them are responsible for explaining to all children that they have a series of rights and that they have to respect their peers. Children, whether from any country, have the right to adequate nutrition, to have a home with the necessary hygiene and cleanliness conditions, to adequate health care and to play and have fun instead of working. And, because poverty is inextricably linked to hunger, the organization also combats malnutrition in the poorest regions of Mozambique. To this end, we have programs focused on improving access to food, agricultural practices and family finances. Children have a lot to offer the world. We believe in their power and how important they will be in the formation of the next generations. At Kids The Bright Stars | KBS - MOZAMBIQUE, we give them all the support they need to become the leaders of the future. We have many educational programs and leadership initiatives that help our young people develop skills they will carry throughout their lives. Make your donation today. See how much you can help! Our mission Everything is possible At KBS - MOZAMBIQUE, we are problem solvers who are not afraid to take risks. We believe that, with boldness, creativity and heart, anything can be achieved. Above all, our strength lies in teamwork. Each of us has the ability to contribute, no matter our experience or background. With this strength in our DNA, just imagine what we can achieve together. We contribute to the construction of a fairer, more sustainable and supportive Mozambique, transforming lives, minimizing the causes of poverty and social inequalities. Fight for the rights of children and adolescents, as well as reduce the general impact, with an emphasis on social justice and collective transformation in Mozambique.

  • Contacto | Kbs - Mozambique

    Contact Mulevala, Mozambique Email address: Contacts: +258 844007166 +258 84 887 6354 +258 866355607

  • Fórum | Kbs - Mozambique

    To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Fórum Bem-vindo. Conheça o fórum e junte-se às discussões. Create New Post Discussões gerais Compartilhe histórias, ideias, fotos e mais. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Follow Perguntas e respostas Obtenha respostas e compartilhe o seu conhecimento. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow New Posts Cornélio Baptista Jaime Mar 30, 2023 Bem-vindo ao fórum Discussões gerais Compartilhe seus pensamentos. Sinta-se à vontade para adicionar GIFs, vídeos, #hashtags e mais aos seus posts e comentários. Comece comentando abaixo. Like 0 comments 0 Cornélio Baptista Jaime Mar 30, 2023 Apresente-se Discussões gerais Gostaríamos de te conhecer melhor. Diga oi para a comunidade nos comentários. Like 0 comments 0 Cornélio Baptista Jaime Mar 30, 2023 Regras do fórum Discussões gerais Queremos que todos desfrutem dessa comunidade. Por isso pedimos que você leia e siga essas diretrizes: • Respeite os outros • Escreva posts relevantes ao tópico do fórum • Não envie spam Like 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless

  • Doações | Kbs - Mozambique

    Donations Estamos felizes em ter a oportunidade de agradecer aos nossos benfeitores. Todos que participam estão contribuindo para a causa, mas isso não seria possível sem o apoio dos nossos principais patrocinadores e doadores que nos impulsionam com a sua generosidade, bondade e o seu interesse em se envolver com o nosso trabalho, aqui na Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique. Você pode nos ajudar de diversas maneiras, nós apreciamos todos os tipos de esforços. Ao dar seu apoio, você se tornará uma parte valiosa de nossos esforços e ajudará a fortalecer nossas operações. Caso queira apoiar faca, seja por transferência bancária ou através de carteira móvel: M-Pesa: 84 431 8808 e-Mola: 866355607 Conta Bancária: Conta: 1278621131003 NIB: 00030270862113100356 Gostaria de ser um patrocinador ou dar o seu apoio? Entre em contacto hoje mesmo. País Enviar O seu formulário foi enviado com sucesso, brevemente um dos nossos membros entrará em contacto consigo; Obrigado(a)!

  • Mais Solidário | Kbs - Mozambique

    WELCOME Kids The Bright Stars is an organization that makes a difference in children's lives. As a leading youth social service organization, we provide opportunities for children to reach their full potential through our diverse programs and activities. Find out more about what we do for children below. KBS - MOZAMBIQUE Discover KBS - MOZAMBIQUE Hope is where the heart is About Us Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique is a non-profit organization operating in Mozambique, with the aim of promoting the development and well-being of orphaned and underprivileged children in situations of social vulnerability. The organization operates in several areas, such as education, health, nutrition, protection and training, aiming to provide orphaned and deprived children with opportunities for growth and integral development. Among the projects developed by Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique are the distribution of school materials and uniforms, the provision of meals and healthcare, the promotion of sporting and cultural activities, and the training of orphaned and deprived children . The organization also carries out awareness campaigns on topics such as children's rights, disease prevention and protection against child abuse and exploitation. Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique also works in partnership with other local and international organizations, seeking to strengthen the protection and support network for children and young people in Mozambique. With its work, Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique has contributed to improving the quality of life of hundreds of orphaned children in Mozambique, offering them opportunities for learning, care and protection, and helping to build a better future for the country. Its main objective is to help children in vulnerable situations have access to education and better living conditions. The organization was founded by a group of young Mozambican visionaries, who came together to make a difference in the lives of orphaned children in their community. The name "Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique" was chosen with the intention of conveying the message that these children are Mozambique's bright future leaders. Through partnerships with companies and donations from volunteers, Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique offers education, food, medical care and extracurricular activities programs for needy children. Through education and care for these children, Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique believes it can help build a fairer and more prosperous society for all, with the support of the community and partners, the organization hopes to impact the lives of many orphaned children in Mozambique, offering them opportunities for a better future . Why do we exist? What do we do / for whom? And where do we want to go together? OBJECTIVE Our main objective is to help orphaned and needy children in vulnerable situations to have access to education and better living conditions. Safeguard children's rights and seek to support, train and provide high quality resources for the Mozambican community. Helping parents provide their children's basic needs. KBS is about saving lives, alleviating suffering and protecting human dignity during and after natural and man-made disasters. Our success is measured through the impact we make on those we support. VISION Make Mozambique a free nation, in the preservation of Children's Rights and in the engagement of Children in the Right to education. We want a fairer Mozambique, without hunger, more solidarity, with basic needs met, improving the living conditions of needy families. MISSION Contribute to the construction of a fairer, more sustainable and supportive Mozambique, transforming lives, minimizing the causes of poverty and social inequalities. Fight for the rights of children and adolescents, as well as reduce the general impact, with an emphasis on social justice and collective transformation in Mozambique. OUR ROLE Our role is built with the purpose of developing solutions to latent problems in society, in various spheres such as education, poverty, environment, health, culture and leisure. With more flexible management models and no bureaucracy. Our organization is freer to experiment with initiatives, form dynamic teams and make connections with different areas of society. Therefore, we are focused on contributing to the cooperation of knowledge networks, innovation and mass connectivity. This is because, as stated in the first topic, our role is to bring immediate solutions to neglected problems and bring more prosperity to society. VALUES Social Ethics, Dedication, Commitment, transparency, innovation. Overcoming, Love, Justice, Respect, Happiness and Sustainability. ART AND INCLUSION A Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique tornou-se parte integrante da comunidade de Moçambicana, oferecemos experiências únicas que mudam as vidas de todos os Órfãos e desfavorecidas da comunidade. Acreditamos e praticamos o verdadeiro acto de nos preocupar e sabemos da importância de demonstrar isso aos outros. A compaixão, a generosidade e a gentileza mora nos nossos corações e fazemos o que for possível para dar às nossas Crianças uma gama de oportunidades para que sejam bem-sucedidas. Na Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique, preparamos os jovens para que façam as melhores escolhas para si, suas famílias e suas comunidades. Como principal Organização de serviço social juvenil em Moçambique, queremos deixar uma marca duradoura e positiva em todos os jovens da comunidade por meio de nossos enriquecedores programas. Valorizamos a honestidade, o respeito e a responsabilidade. Vamos além para transmitir esses valores à nossa criança e juventude. What we do A Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique se dedica a fornecer assistência e apoio a crianças órfãs em Moçambique. A organização foi fundada para melhorar a qualidade de vida das c rianças ó rfãs e c arenciadas , fornecendo-lhes educação, alimentação, cuidados médicos e emocionais. Para alcançar esse objectivo, a Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique realiza as seguintes acções: 1. Programas de Educação: A organização oferece programas educacionais para crianças órfãs, incluindo aulas de reforço escolar, actividades extracurriculares e programas de alfabetização. A educação é vista como uma ferramenta essencial para ajudar as crianças a construir um futuro melhor. 2. Actividades extracurriculares: Para complementar a formação das c rianças ó rfãs e c arenciadas , a organização oferece actividades como aulas de música, teatro, dança e esportes. 3. Alimentação e Nutrição: A organização fornece refeições nutritivas para as c rianças ó rfãs e c arenciadas , que muitas vezes não têm acesso a uma alimentação adequada. Além disso, a organização promove a educação nutricional para garantir que as crianças tenham uma dieta saudável e equilibrada. 4. Cuidados Médicos: A Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique trabalha em parceria com clínicas e hospitais locais para garantir que as crianças órfãs tenham acesso a cuidados médicos de qualidade. A organização também realiza campanhas de conscientização sobre saúde e higiene para prevenir doenças e promover uma vida saudável. 5. Apoio emocional: A perda de um ou ambos os pais pode ser muito traumática para uma criança. Por isso, a Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique oferece apoio emocional e psicológico para ajudar as crianças a lidar com seus sentimentos e superar o luto. A organização realiza actividades recreativas e terapêuticas para promover o bem-estar emocional das crianças. 6. Apoio psicossocial: A Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique possui uma equipe de profissionais qualificados para oferecer apoio psicológico e emocional às c rianças ó rfãs e c arenciadas atendidas, visando o seu bem-estar e desenvolvimento emocional. 7. Programas de Empoderamento: A organização oferece programas de capacitação para adolescentes órfãos, fornecendo-lhes habilidades e ferramentas para se tornarem autossuficientes e construírem um futuro melhor para si mesmos. 8. Programas de capacitação: A Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique oferece programas de capacitação para jovens e adultos da comunidade, visando aumentar suas habilidades e conhecimentos para que possam ter mais oportunidades no mercado de trabalho. Através dessas actividades, a organização busca promover o desenvolvimento integral das crianças e jovens atendidos, contribuindo para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária em Moçambique. Além disso, a Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique também realiza campanhas de conscientização sobre os direitos das crianças e trabalha em parceria com outras organizações para garantir que as crianças órfãs tenham seus direitos básicos respeitados e protegidos. Com essas ações, a Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique busca proporcionar um ambiente seguro e acolhedor para as c rianças ó rfãs e c arenciadas , além de ajudá-las a ter esperança e perspectivas para o futuro. Our story Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique was founded with the aim of supporting orphaned and needy children in Mozambique. The history of this organization begins with the story of its founder Cornélio Baptista Jaime. ​ Cornélio was born in 1996, in Mulevala - Zambézia, Mozambique, into a poor family. Like most children in Mozambique, Cornélio had a very difficult childhood, he lived and grew up without the presence of his family! As a child, he started working as a domestic servant in the village of Mulevala for his subsistence. He always had to work as a domestic servant but without a salary, he just wanted to be able to settle down and go to school. In 2019, Cornélio moved to the city of Maputo in search of opportunities to continue his studies in higher education. Arriving in the City of Maputo, he got his first job where he worked for a Shoe Repair and Maintenance Company, called DOPE SOLE as a Shoe Shine, and managed to enroll in the Degree in Public Administration course at Eduardo Mondlane University. Cornélio worked since 2019 as a Shoe Shine, until April 2021. And in April 2021 he was hired by a second company that operates in the renewable energy sector called ENGIE Energy Acess Mozambique, City of Maputo, as a Customer Service Agent, where worked from 2021 until August 2023. And in 2023, Cornélio was hired at a third company that also operates in the renewable energy sector, called GLP | SUN KING MOZAMBIQUE, as Customer Service Executive for the City of Nampula. Despite his professional success, Cornélio never forgot the difficulties he faced in his childhood and always wanted to help those who were in the same situation as him. However, he never forgot his dream of helping orphaned children in his community. With the creation of Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique, Cornélio wanted to give these children the opportunity to have a better life. The organization started with just a few friends and colleagues that Cornelius knew personally. Cornélio and his team continue to work hard to help more children in Mozambique. Through its effort and dedication, Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique is a light of hope for many vulnerable children in the country. Cornelius' story is an inspiring example of how one determined person can make a difference in the lives of many others. Since he was a child, Cornélio has always had a close eye on the difficulties that he, as the poorest child, faced in his village, such as the lack of education, medical care and food. Cornelius' example of dedication and solidarity inspires everyone who knows his story and motivates other people to get involved in social causes in their communities. ​ *All Together for the Same Cause! | KBS - MOZAMBIQUE* Cornélio Baptista Jaime, President of KBS - MOZAMBIQUE Media Center Want to know more about what we do? See below for stories and the latest updates on how our work is helping you make an impact. We invite you to learn more about our efforts and help spread awareness about our important cause. Local NGO makes a splash at solidarity event At KBS-MOZ , we work hard to have our efforts recognized by the media and we are proud when we achieve this goal. It is very easy to fall into a pattern of apathy throughout our lives. Our organization was born committed to observing society's true problems and dealing with them head-on. We focus on helping those who need it most. Kids The Bright Stars is here to help. We believe that change is possible when we put our hearts and minds into it. The core of our work lies in the ongoing passion and dedication we bring to the range of projects in which we participate. Join us and support our efforts to make a meaningful difference in more people's lives. Interview with the management of KBS - MOZAMBIQUE Kids The Bright Stars is a youth social service organization that is committed to empowering children in Mozambique by providing them with all the resources they need to become the leaders of tomorrow. Our programs ensure the success of our young people in different aspects of life, whether at school, at home or in the community. Our work is done from the heart with commitment, passion and dedication. That's why we share everything openly with the community and invite everyone to participate. Furthermore, we challenge ourselves to think creatively, applying an innovative approach to everything we do. This mission drives the continued success of Kids The Bright Stars. Lessons: The Key to Evaluating Nonprofit Programs Recognizing the enormous diversity of challenges facing our society, KBS-MOZ is dedicated to making a lasting impact. While our efforts are driven by our organization's focus, we have a wide network investing in a variety of programs. Our strength is not only found in the words we defend, but, mainly, in the actions of our initiatives. From the first moment of our work, we understood that, together, it would be possible to overcome our challenges in a much more efficient way. That's how we finally decided to found Kids The Bright Stars . We are dedicated to making a positive change in all our activities. Local training Transforming lives Contact us Mulevala, Bairro 3 de Fevereiro, Zambézia Mulevala, Zambezia 2406 ​ ​ Email address : Contacts: +258 844007166 +258 84 887 6354 +258 866355607 KBS - Mozambique At Kids The Bright Stars | KBS - MOZAMBIQUE, we believe that children are the essence of the future. Who they will be tomorrow is a result of the way they were raised and nurtured today. As the main youth social service organization in Mozambique, we do everything we can to offer young people an enriching environment, where they can get to know themselves better and develop the skills necessary to be leaders in the future. Our goal is to give a new perspective to their lives and teach the fundamentals of social responsibility, healthy living and cultural acceptance. Would you like to know more about us and how to participate? Browse the website and get in touch. Donations Estamos felizes em ter a oportunidade de agradecer aos nossos benfeitores. Todos que participam estão contribuindo para a causa, mas isso não seria possível sem o apoio dos nossos principais patrocinadores e doadores que nos impulsionam com a sua generosidade, bondade e o seu interesse em se envolver com o nosso trabalho, aqui na Kids The Bright Stars - Mozambique. Você pode nos ajudar de diversas maneiras, nós apreciamos todos os tipos de esforços. Ao dar seu apoio, você se tornará uma parte valiosa de nossos esforços e ajudará a fortalecer nossas operações. Caso queira apoiar por meio de transferência bancária ou através de carteira móvel: ​ M-Pesa: 844007166 e-Mola: 866355607 Conta Bancária: Conta: 1278621131003 NIB: 00030270862113100356 Gostaria de ser um patrocinador ou dar o seu apoio? Entre em contacto hoje mesmo. ​ Nome Sobrenome Email Telefone Comentários Endereço Cidade Região/Estado/Província Código postal (CEP) País País KBS-MOZ Empresa Cargo Enviar Formulário O seu formulário foi enviado com sucesso, brevemente um dos nossos membros entrará em contacto consigo; Obrigado(a)! Grupo KBS - MOZAMBIQUE Public · 8 members Join Subscribe Form Join Thanks for subscribing!

  • Participe | Kbs - Mozambique

    Participate Find out how you can help Volunteer work Be part of real change Attend an event Every contribution counts

  • Perguntas frequentes | Kbs - Mozambique

    Common Questions You ask. We answered. Want more information about the work we do? This is a collection of all the questions we are asked most frequently, listed here for your convenience. Is there a topic we haven't covered? Contact us. What is the minimum age to volunteer? Currently, there is no minimum age established by law to join volunteer work programs. Volunteering is a tool for social inclusion: Everyone has the right to volunteer. The energies, resources and skills of children, young people, people with disabilities, the elderly and retired people can and must be mobilized. With a wide variety of experiences and skills, our team of professionals is the foundation of KBS-Mozambique . Your ideas help us fine-tune our organization’s direction and mission. Read on to learn more details about our team members. How much of my donation goes directly to the cause? All donations are used to respond to the needs of children, in this case, actions are carried out within established standards and in accordance with the goals set. Purchase and distribution of school supplies and uniforms, food for children and distribution of various items and services within the organization. Is the organization transparent? We promote clear and efficient internal communication and make internal processes less bureaucratic. We reduce figurative and literal barriers between the team and encourage everyone's participation in our Organization's decision-making, and this helps us earn people's trust.

  • Programa de fidelidade | Kbs - Mozambique

    Loyalty Program is not available.

  • Nossa equipe | Kbs - Mozambique

    Our team The faces of our KBS - MOZAMBIQUE team Cornelio Baptista Jaime President Joel Geremias Luis Vice president Chanei Menrage Team Leader general meeting Conselho de Direcção Eufrasia Armando Training Member Augustine Joseph Secretary Maria Helena Cesário Rafael Treasurer Litos Jaime Cassimo Project Coordinator Carolina Arlindo Chitave Member of the Supervisory Board Pedro Raul Member of the Supervisory Board Jamila Chaual Inácio Cordenadora de Mídia e Comunicação Team Members Marisa Ndalama Member of the Supervisory Board Argénio Bruno dos Santos Team Member Jeremias Américo Armando Team Member Pedro Raul Team Member Argénio Bruno dos Santos Team Member Jamila Hachiro Team Member Vacancy Team Member VACANCY Team Member Casimiro José Team Member Delfina Rostino Cossa Team Member Juvenal Nzabandora Team Member Rogério Sérgio David Team Member ​ Yohane de Ana Piassone Yotamo Team Member VAGA Team Member VAGA Team Member

  • Projectos | Kbs - Mozambique

    Projecto de Integração, Educação e Assistência a Crianças Órfãs e Desfavorecidas. DESCRIÇÃO DA EQUIPA PROPOSTA PARA A EXECUÇÃO DA ACÇÃO (POR FUNÇÃO). At headquarters: Partnership coordinator and secretariat (in occasional installments), Graphic designer, Controller, On the ground: Project coordinators (6, local), Accountants (6, local), Animators (6, local), Illustration trainer (1, expatriate, on a one-off basis), Sociologist for study (1, expatriate, on a one-off basis). At headquarters: Partnership coordinator and secretariat (in occasional installments), Graphic designer, Controller, On the ground: Project coordinators (6, local), Accountants (6, local), Animators (6, local), Illustration trainer (1, expatriate, on a one-off basis), Sociologist for study (1, expatriate, on a one-off basis). Project objectives: Global: Support orphan children in situations of vulnerability or exclusion and reinforce organizations that work with them. Specifics: ​ i) Improve the conditions for insertion of Orphan Children, reinforcing self-esteem and self-confidence, through direct participation in raising awareness and in the construction of pedagogical instruments; ii) Contribute to an awareness of the co-responsibility of societies in the protection of children and young people; iii) Strengthen the capacities of the NGOs involvediv) Encourage informal networks for the exchange and dissemination of good practices. Elaboração de um conjunto de instrumentos pedagógicos de informação, formação e sensibilização, com a participação das crianças e jovens: Dina mização de ateliês de ilustração criativa e escrita; Elaboração de um manual pedagógico sobre direitos das crianças; Elaboração de pequenos vídeos sobre direitos das crianças; Realização de actividades para crianças e jovens com recurso a formas de expressão artísticas. Realização de programa de sensibilização sobre direitos das crianças e jovens: ​ Debates e workshops de formação, com professores, animadores, educadores, organizações da sociedade civil; Sessões de trabalho com autoridades do Estado, autoridades tradicionais e religiosas; Programa de comunicação sobre os direitos das crianças, feito com e para jornalistas; Fóruns de crianças e jovens. Reforço das organizações através da partilha de sistematização de experiencia e do trabalho em rede: Estudo sobre estratégias de trabalho com crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade/ exclusão; Conferência final reunindo os envolvidos na 1ª e na 2ª fase do projecto. How we help Making the difference Change for the better Volunteer work Volunteer work Change for the better



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