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Common Questions

You ask. We answered.

Want more information about the work we do? This is a collection of all the questions we are asked most frequently, listed here for your convenience. Is there a topic we haven't covered? Contact us.

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What is the minimum age to volunteer?

Currently, there is no minimum age established by law to join volunteer work programs. Volunteering is a tool for social inclusion: Everyone has the right to volunteer. The energies, resources and skills of children, young people, people with disabilities, the elderly and retired people can and must be mobilized.

With a wide variety of experiences and skills, our team of professionals is the foundation of KBS-Mozambique . Your ideas help us fine-tune our organization’s direction and mission. Read on to learn more details about our team members.

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How much of my donation goes directly to the cause?

All donations are used to respond to the needs of children, in this case, actions are carried out within established standards and in accordance with the goals set. Purchase and distribution of school supplies and uniforms, food for children and distribution of various items and services within the organization.

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Is the organization transparent?

We promote clear and efficient internal communication and make internal processes less bureaucratic.

We reduce figurative and literal barriers between the team and encourage everyone's participation in our Organization's decision-making, and this helps us earn people's trust.



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